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Over a weekend, the Graham Technique is paired with another dance technique. The two dance classes alternate over the two days: the order is reversed on the second day. The weekend begins and ends with discussion sessions. We start with an introductory hour on Saturday, providing a warm welcome for all dancers and facilitators. During this time, everyone is invited to introduce themselves and share their relationship with the practice. A final discussion is scheduled after Sunday’s classes to allow everyone to share their experiences.

« What are we going to keep? Well, the connection made through movement will be up to you. The bonds you are going to feel will belong to you. Body language brings forth movement, not intellect. »
- Christophe Jeannot, Graham Technique teacher

« People think it’s all about practices, but it’s about the person teaching and the FRAMEWORK. »
- Rafael Molina, artistic director of Graham For Europe.
All levels. Everyone is welcome, and no prior experience is required. Whether you are simply curious, an amateur or professional dancer, a musician, a bodywork educator, an aesthetic researcher, or a movement therapist, this practice is open to you. You can come alone, with a friend, or even with a family member. The idea behind Cross Practice is to transcend differences in skill level, background, and worldviews, allowing each person to enrich themselves.
So let’s get started! This is, first and foremost, an experience to be explored over a weekend in the company of a supportive group.

Once a month, Graham For Europe offers an exploration between two dance practices, always including the Graham Technique. This exploration invites participants to experience the crossroads of life rhythms, personal and universal energetic forces, and ancestral cultures. We believe that the boundaries between disciplines are porous. It’s necessary to open up, if not deconstruct, the contemporary Graham technique and to explore the roots of this practice to revitalize its fundamentals. Graham invites and reveals itself in dialogue with what is perceived and experienced as “other.”
Our goal is to ensure that the joy of dancing, connecting, and exchanging remains paramount.
We aim to unmerge from Martha to get to know her better.
Beyond labels and fixed definitions, we want to reinvest in a rich but complex and multifaceted heritage, full of hybridizations and contradictions.
Two dedicated facilitators work together to teach their respective disciplines and explore connections between them in a collaborative and pedagogical approach.

Photo Credit: Vanessa Daou
« The two disciplines feed off each other through the center, through imagery, and through the teachings of both instructors. »
- Sandrine Navarro, Tango teacher.

« My mission is to pass on as much as I can. You have to be patient, reach out, stay, and listen. It’s beneficial for dancers of all kinds. »
- Wayne Byars, facilitator of Beamish Body Mind Balancing