🎁 Special Opportunity: ✨SCHOLARSHIPS✨

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For each of the following Graham For Europe events:

– Marseille Graham Weekend (January 13-14) 👀 bit.ly/24G4EUM
– Lyon Cross-practice Weekend (March 23-24) 👀 bit.ly/LYONPC24
– Paris Winter Intensive (February 19-23) 👀 grahamforeurope.com/winter-intensive
– Paris Spring Intensive (April 15-19) 👀 grahamforeurope.com/spring-intensive

We will award 2 scholarships:

– 1 Scholarship for the Martha Graham School intensives in New York (Summer Intensive 2024 or Winter Intensive 2024)

– 1 Scholarship for a Graham For Europe event in Paris (weekend / Winter Intensive / Spring Intensive / Fall Intensive 2024)